Before Daniel shifted his focus on the coverage of conflict and wars, he had worked on a variety of international television formats and is currently looking back on about 25 years of experience in producing and directing documentaries and long-term productions. Among his clients were NBC, ARD, ZDF, RTL, SAT1, ProSieben, DMAX, Kabel1, VOX and Discovery Channel.
As a photojournalist he has spent a decade working with NGOs on six continents. Within the last eight years he traveled a dozen different African countries, documenting humanitarian projects and the work of nonprofit organizations.
In 2013 Daniel made conflict, post-conflict and humanitarian crises the core of his work. He covered the street riots in Turkey (June 2013), the turmoil in Egypt (August 2013), the unrest in Ukraine and Crimea (2014), the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo / DRC (March 2014), the war on Cocaine in Colombia (June 2014) the war in Gaza (July 2014), the Ebola outbreak in Liberia (September 2014) and Sierra Leone (October 2014).
In 2015 Daniel shifted his work-focus from news journalism towards in-depth documentary photography covering mute nomads in the Negev Desert (2015), kidnapping gangs in Venezuela (2016) and medical programs in remote parts of Mongolia (2017).
He has been published in international newspapers, magazines, news sites and books including TIME Magazine (US), New York Time (US), Newsweek (US), stern Magazine (Germany), GEO (Germany), New York Magazine (US), The Guardian (UK), The Irish Times (Ireland), Paris Match (France), Sueddeutsche Zeitung (Germany), Die Zeit (Germany), Focus (Germany), BILD (Germany) and others.
He has been awarded with the Grimme Online Award, the Focus Project People’s Choice Award and has been shortlisted multiple times for the annual LifeFramer award.
Dan's photo archive can be found at laif.
2014 Diren Gezi: Raw, National Museum of Arts, Rome, Italy
2014 Life Framer, The Print Space, London, United Kingdom
2014 Pop-Up Show, Juraplatz, Biel, Switzerland
2013 Lenses in the Heart of the Event, Al-Qamishli, Iraq
2013 Lenses in the Heart of the Event, Baghdad, Iraq
2013 Occupy Gezi Park, Red Wall, Potsdam, Germany
2013 Diren Gezi, Galleria Minelli (Biennale), Venice, Italy
2011 Struggle in Burundi, K132, Duesseldorf, Germany
2014 Interview about Ebola (Deutschlandfunk Nova, Deutschlandradio)
2014 Interview about Ebola (Frühstücksfernsehen, SAT1)
2014 Article about frontline equipment (Matador Network, USA)
2015 Interview about conflict journalism (Deutschlandfunk Nova, Deutschlandradio)
2016 Documentary Dan's assignment in Caracas (DMAX, Discovery Networks)
Deutscher Journalisten Verband (DJV)
International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
Reporters without Borders (RSF)
Frontline Freelance Register (FFR)
HEFAT (2015, Nato Base Hammelburg)
HEAT (2015, Nato Base Hammelburg)